United Way program helps two little miracles exceed expectations


Andrea Harp was thrilled with the excitement of being a first-time mom. Early on in her pregnancy, she found out her family was growing from 2 people to 4 with the expected arrival of her twin daughters in November 2015. That excitement quickly turned into fear when Andrea went into labor 15 weeks early.

“It was a traumatic experience,” Andrea said. “Twenty-four weeks is the threshold for viability, and the girls were born at exactly 25 weeks.”

Miraculously, both Ainsley and Alex survived and at 3-years-old are exceeding expectations, thanks, in-part, to in-home therapy services funded through the United Way of the Ozarks.

“Thank goodness for United Way,” Andrea said. “As a mom, you want to give your child everything she needs to be successful no matter the odds. We couldn’t afford such expensive equipment needed for the girls’ development and the therapy program
provided that for us.”

Andrea’s husband, Matt, gave to United Way of the Ozarks through his paycheck each month, but neither he nor Andrea knew the impact it would later have on their family.

“I tell people you just never know who you will help by supporting United Way of the Ozarks,” Andrea said. “It could be your coworker, your neighbor, or maybe even yourself.”

When you support United Way of the Ozarks, you help our community grow stronger. When you give to United Way of the Ozarks, 100% of your gift stays here — in our community.

At United Way of the Ozarks, we don’t stop believin’ in our community.

We ask that you join us and don’t stop believin’ in superstars like Ainsley and Alex. Make a donation today.