who we are
our purpose
United Way of the Ozarks unites people, resources and ideas to enhance lives in the Ozarks.
our values
Our values guide our decisions. We strive to serve the Ozarks with compassion, letting our values motivate everything we do.
We operate with integrity and transparency and are responsible for our performance, behaviors, and words.
Recognizing we are better together, we work in partnership with others to develop and implement community solutions.
We work to effect positive change and deliver results. We encourage new, innovative methods to solve community challenges and exceed expectations.
We embrace differences, recognize that we can learn from each other, and foster a sense of belonging. We work for equal access and opportunities for all.
United Way of the Ozarks values the visible and invisible qualities that make you who you are. We recognize those qualities that make us different. We also recognize the quality we all share: Our humanity.
We unequivocally denounce discrimination of any kind because it undermines the well-being and vitality of our community. We believe that each United Way community member, donor, volunteer, advocate and employee must have equal access to solving community problems.
Our Board of Directors oversees the management of United Way of the Ozarks. Our Board and Finance Committee, comprised of volunteers, review and approve our annual budget and financial statements, which include campaign fundraising results, community investment allocations and operating expenses. Our financial statements are audited annually by a nationally recognized accounting firm, which certifies that its financial statements are in full compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Recent Blog Posts

February 11 is 211 Day. Get connected, get help.

Partnership with Reliable Subaru delivers 504 pairs of new shoes to students at Westport K-8 School

Touching lives, helping thousands of people across the Ozarks: 2024 Annual Report shares the stories

Insights: Heading into 2025 with Brandi VanAntwerp, President/CEO