2024 Board of Directors Contact Update and Consent Form

Each year, United Way of the Ozarks asks that all Board members renew their commitment to upholding our Code of Ethics, Conflicts of Interest Policy, and Board Member Agreement. Please complete this form to provide the UWO team with your current contact information and certify that you agree to our policies.

  • About You

  • About Your Work

  • Community Involvement and Experience

  • Board Composition

    Answers to the following questions will tell us more about our UWO Board composition as it compares to other United Way agencies across the country. We’ll also use this information next year as we’re recruiting new members so that we can compose a diverse and experienced board of directors.
  • Please select all that apply.
  • Code of Ethics & Conflicts of Interest

  • Please describe any relationships, positions, or circumstances in which you are involved that you believe could contribute to a Conflict of Interest (as defined in UWO’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest) arising.