Talent attraction and retention research

6-9 month replacement graphicAn extensive body of research was utilized to showcase how corporate citizenship may be leveraged to attract and retain talent. Below are the sources for content found on the Community Engagement in a Box and our engagement catalog.

Tool Box 

  • “80% of Millennials want to work for a company that cares how it impacts and contributes to society.” – Corporate Social Responsibility: A Lever for Employee Attraction and Engagement, Meister, J.  Forbes, 2012. Project ROI, p. 20.
  • “6-9 Months: The average cost of an employee’s salary to replace them.” – Society for Human Resource Management
  • “Community responsibility is a proxy for strong, well-managed companies with bright futures.” – Pinpointing the Value in CSR, Kellogg Insight, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Lys, T.Z., Naughton, J.P., & Wang, C., March 2013 and Signaling Through Corporate Accountability Reporting (Working Paper), Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Lys, T.Z., Naughton, J.P., & Wang, C., 2014. Project ROI: Defining the Competitive and Financial Advantages of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, IO Sustainability and Babson College, p. 15
  • “85% of Boomers and 86% of Millennials believe it is important that their work involve ‘giving back.’” – Harvard Business Review, Community Involvement: A Solution for Employee Retention, Refresh Leadership BLOG, James C. Price, June 1, 2015.
  • “61% of employees choose their employers based on their values and beliefs.” – Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, p. 15.
  • “Corporate responsibility is great for the bottom line.” – How Corporate Responsibility Can Deliver ROI, Inc. Newsletter, Maureen Kline, July 9, 2015.
  • “89% of Millennials believe that volunteerism equals a better working environment.” – Deloitte Volunteerism Study
  • “Individuals are 8-times more likely to work for an organization that publicly takes a stand on economic inequality.” – Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, p. 20.
  • “10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day for 19 years.” – U.S. Bureau of the Census
  • “76% of employees are more likely to stay with their company for many years and recommend it to others.” – Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, p. 24.
  • “There is a new compact between employees and employer, which requires business to take a more ambitious role in society.” – Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, p. 35.
  • “Creating a culture of giving back is a great way to retain your employees who are looking for meaning in their work.” – Community Involvement: A Solution for Employee Retention, Refresh Leadership BLOG, James C. Price, June 1, 2015.
  • “Volunteering can reduce stress levels, improve mood, help people stay active and give them a sense of purpose.” – Mayo Clinic
  • “If you get this right, you can help your company become a better place to work and tap the enormous business potential of a purposeful workforce aligned with a purpose-driven organization.” – “Help Your Employees Find Purpose – Or Watch Them Leave,” McKinsey & Company, April 5, 2021, Naina Dhingra, Andrew Samo, Bill Schaninger, and Matt Schrimper
  • “Employees expect their jobs to bring a significant sense of purpose to their lives. Employers need to help meet this need or be prepared to lost talent to companies that will.” – “Help Your Employees Find Purpose – Or Watch Them Leave,” McKinsey & Company, April 5, 2021, Naina Dhingra, Andrew Samo, Bill Schaninger and Matt Schrimper
  • “Strong Community Responsibility performance increases commitment, affinity and engagement. This in turn enhances job performance, increases productivity, reduces turnover and lowers absenteeism.” – Can Firms Pay Less and Get More . . . By Doing Good?  Field experimental evidence of the effect of corporate social responsibility on employee salary requirements and performance, Burbano, V.C., UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2014.  Project ROI, IO Sustainability and Babson College, p. 19.
  • “Our research found that 70% of employees said their sense of purpose is defined by their work. So, like it or not, as a company leader you play an important part in helping your employees find their purpose and live it.” – “Help Your Employees Find Purpose – Or Watch Them Leave” McKinsey & Company, April 5, 2021, Naina Dhingra, Andrew Samo, Bill Schaninger, and Matt Schrimper
  • “#1 trust driver for employees is the CEO manifesting company values.” – Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, p. 32.
  • “10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day for 19 years.” – U.S. Census Bureau

Engagement Catalog

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  • “Community responsibility is a proxy for strong, well-managed companies with bright futures.” – Pinpointing the Value in CSR, Kellogg Insight, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Lys, T.Z., Naughton, J.P., & Wang, C., March 2013 and Signaling Through Corporate Accountability Reporting (Working Paper), Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Lys, T.Z., Naughton, J.P., & Wang, C., 2014. Project ROI: Defining the Competitive and Financial Advantages of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, IO Sustainability and Babson College, p. 15.
  • “10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day for 19 years.” – U.S. Census Bureau
  • “6-9 Months: The average cost of an employee’s salary to replace them.” – Society for Human Resource Management

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  • “80% of Millennials want to work for a company that cares how it impacts and contributes to society.” – Corporate Social Responsibility: A Lever for Employee Attraction & Engagement, Meister, J.  Forbes, 2012.  Project ROI, p. 20.
  • “87% of Millennials are less likely to quit when they feel a strong commitment to their organization.” – Gallup
  • “89% of Millennials believe that volunteerism equals a better working environment.” – Deloitte Volunteerism Survey

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  • “More than 80% of Civic 50 companies integrate community engagement into a least one of three business areas: marketing, skill development, diversity and inclusion.”  –  Points of Light: The Strengths of Community-Minded Companies.
  • “By strategically investing in the community, your organization is recognized as a good corporate citizen. And it’s proven to be good for business.” – Deloitte Volunteer Impact Research: Measuring important aspects of corporate community engagement.
  • Project ROI, IO Sustainability and Babson College, by Steve Rochlin, Richard Bliss, Stephen Jordan, Cheryl Yaffe Kiser